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Homogenized bauxite production process

Views: 128     Author: SEPPE     Publish Time: 2021-08-12      Origin: SEPPE

Zhengzhou University and many refractory companies in China have done a lot of research on bauxite-based homogenized materials. The production process of bauxite-based homogenized materials should be selected by combining the quality of raw materials and the composition structure. Generally speaking, the process used by companies producing bauxite-based homogenized materials is mainly the following three steps.

(1) Homogenizing. The process of homogenized material in China mainly include two methods(wet method and dry method).The dry method process is simple and economic, but it does could not eradicate the impurities efficiently.While the wet method not only can remove the impurities but also has a low-dust pollution. However, wet method process is pretty complex and expensive.

(2) Forming. Forming methods mainly include brick pressing, ball pressing and extrusion molding. The equipment of brick pressing endows a low cost, but the working efficiency is low, which may cause the layering of products.Pressed ball forming efficiency is high, but the requirements for firing equipment are high; Vacuum extrusion molding are highly efficient and suitable for large-scale continuous production, but the drying cost is high.

(3) Calcining. Calcining is the focus, mainly the crystal growth. Vertical kiln, rotary kiln, tunnel kiln are commonly used calcination equipment. Among them, the tunnel kiln boasts a high firing efficiency, pretty good safety, and a stable mineral phase; Inverted flame kiln calcining made product quality is good, but it does has some disadvantages such as the high cost of energy; Rotary kiln calcining efficiency is high, but there is a risk that the product does not calcined thoroughly.

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