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SEPPE Company's Running Group Building Activities

Views: 222     Author: SEPPE     Publish Time: 2023-03-06      Origin:

The spring is bright, the breeze is blowing, and sports represent youth,SEPPE is heading for the future.

In order to enrich the staff's amateur cultural life and practice the concept of national fitness, some employees of SEPPE actively participated in the third Blue Whale Cross-country Challenge in 2023.

Break through the self, stimulate the potential and convey the company's idea of pursuing excellence.There is no step in life in vain,every step change will give us a solid feedback.

Health, happiness, unity, persistence, challenge... The experience brought by this activity is just like the course of the team along the way. Believe in Good Material! SEPPE is also striving to become a leader in the industrial mineral materials industry and benefit the world. 

On the "runway" of the great cause, despite the long way to go, and carrying forward the corporate culture of "pursuing excellence", SEPPE is working together with full spirit.


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